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The Swisslion story started in 1997, when the first factory applying SL technology – a symbol of top-quality natural healthy food, controlled origin of raw materials and perfect flavour was opened.
From 1997 to 2004 Swisslion installed the total of 11 production lines, ten in Serbia and one in the FYR of Macedonia.
In 2003 the Swisslion factory in Vršac started introducing and applying the hygiene and HACCP system, according to recommended international codex of good practice (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point – HACCP system and guidelines for its application – CAC/RCP-1969).
In April 2004, the Swisslion acquired the largest industry giant in Serbia, PIK Takovo from Gornji Milanovac, on a tender sale, after the best offer and 30-million-Eur five-year-long investment plan.
In a very short time Takovo was integrated in the Swislion business system and that is how the Swisslion-Takovo Company was founded.
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